Dissemination of the Mechanism for Thesis Preparation and Competency Certification for Students STMIK Royal


Dissemination of the Mechanism for Thesis Preparation and Competency Certification for Students STMIK Royal

STMIK Royal – STMIK Royal has carried out Dissemination of the Mechanism for Thesis Preparation and Competency Certification for Students STMIK Royal which was held in the STMIK Royal Campus 2 on Wednesday, 15 February 2023.

This activity was attended by Information Systems and Computer Systems Study Program students and was opened directly by guidance and direction from the Chairwomen of STMIK Royal, Mrs. Wan Mariatul Kifti, S.E., M.M who provided motivation and enthusiasm to all students.

“Always enthusiastic and never give up for all students in working on their thesis. What must be remembered is the deadline for completing the thesis in August 2023,” said the Head of STMIK Royal.

On the same occasion, Vice Chairwomen 1 of STMIK Royal, Mrs. Rizky Fauziah, M.Ikom., M.Kom also conveyed the graduation route at STMIK Royal.

“The campus has provided a selection of graduation pathways for students starting from the Regular Track, Implementation, SINTA 3 Journal Publication, MBKM, and PKM Achievements,” continued Vice Chairwomen 1 of STMIK Royal

Followed by the presentation of thesis preparation material by each study program. Starting with the Information Systems Study Program which was delivered directly by Mr. William Ramdhan, M.Kom as the Head of the Information Systems Study Program.

“Implementation of the dissemination of the thesis mechanism aims so that all students understand how technical thesis is from start to finish and know what thesis themes to choose from,” said the Head of Information Systems Study Program

Not much different, the Head of the Computer Systems Study Program, Mr. Herman Saputra, M.Kom, also said that students must understand the technicalities of submitting titles and the graduation route.

“For Computer Systems students, there are 4 themes to choose from, including Internet of Thing, Networking, Robotics, and Smart Systems and Automation. Where all students must understand the procedure for submitting a thesis title, and the flow in selecting the graduation route,” said the Head of Computer Systems Study Program

The Head of LPPM STMIK Royal, Mr. Muhammad Ardiansyah Sembiring, M.Kom also gave a presentation on SINTA 3 Journal Publication to all students so that they could create and publish articles made in accordance with the intended SINTA 3 journal.

“STMIK Royal hopes that with this journal entry, students can pay attention to several things before publishing the SINTA 3 journal, including DOI, OJS, Reviewers, and SINTA accreditation and can publish journals independently,” said the Head of LPPM STMIK Royal.

The activity was closed with a presentation from Vice Chair 3, Mr. Sudarmin, M.Kom, who conveyed the importance of competency certification for students.

“Students can take competency certification on campus because STMIK Royal has collaborated with LSP Informatics to establish an Independent Competency Test Site on Campus. Competency Certification is important for students to be able to support skills. There are 4 competency schemes that can be followed, including Junior Web Developer, Junior Graphic Designer, Junior Network Administrator, and Senior Office Operator,” said Deputy Chair 3

Hopefully with this activity, all STMIK Royal final students can prepare their thesis according to the guidelines and on time.

Media and Information STMIK Royal, reports

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